
About Us
our vision

What We Stand For

Becoming a Trusted National-scale Islamic Boarding School to educate the Life of the Nation

Our mission


  1. Producing pious, intelligent and independent students
  2. Fields of reward for our provisions to meet Allah
  3. Develop Islamic Boarding Schools with Professional Governance
Warm Greetings

Leader of the Islamic Boarding School

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Praise be to Allah SWT, Lord of the Worlds, who teaches us with a pen of knowledge. Shalawat and greetings may always be devoted to the role model of all times, the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Education is an important pillar for the nation’s civilization. The advancement of a nation can be determined by the development of knowledge possessed by its human resources. And the culmination of that knowledge is the noble character that is inherent as the main character in human beings.

As an educational institution, the Ummul Quro Tasikmalaya Islamic Boarding School strives to improve its quality and quantity as part of an important pillar that builds the quality of human resources. To become an institution that takes part in shaping today’s generation to become leaders in the future.

With full awareness that in the next ten to twenty years, the nation’s leaders will be determined from the current generation, the Ummul Quro Tasikmalaya Islamic Boarding School is expected to give birth to a generation that is pious, strong in knowledge and Islamic morals.

Finally, only in Allah SWT we put our trust. May we all be successful and blessed in carrying out all activities.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.





Get Closer

Location: Jl. Raya Salopa-Gunungtanjung, Dusun Sukasari RT/RW : 003/003 Kawitan Village, Salopa District, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java Province

Phone: +62 852-1016-8787
Office: (0265) 7531979

Email: ummulqurotasik@gmail.com

Working Hours: Every day from 08.00 to 16.00 WIB.

WA Ummul Quro

WhatsApp Kami

+62 852-1016-8787