IT Junior High School

Ummul Quro Islamic Boarding School

Achievement Students



Congratulations to Ananda Zahra Adha A’yuni Santri SMP IT Ummul Quro Tasikmalaya who has won an achievement in the Story Telling Contest at the FANCY 1.0 event “Festival Of Education Creativity” at the Ibnu Siena Islamic Boarding School, Tasikmalaya City.

MHQ Champion

MHQ Champion

Congratulations to the students of SMP IT Ummul Quro Tasikmalaya who have won achievements in the field of Musabaqah Hifzhil Qur’an (MHQ) at the FANCY 1.0 event “Festival Of Education Creativity” at the Ibnu Siena Islamic Boarding School, Tasikmalaya City.

KSN Champion

KSN Champion

Congratulations to Ananda HANIF ADILA Santri SMP IT Ummul Quro for winning 1st place in the 2022 National Science Competition (KSN) in the Science Field at the District Level. Tasikmalaya, West Java.

Barakallah fiik, asking for prayers and support from all In Syaa Allah Ananda will represent Kab. Tasikmalaya at the 2022 National Science Competition (KSN) Prov. West Java.

WA Ummul Quro

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