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Tahfidz Al-Quran

Ummul Quro Tasikmalaya Islamic Boarding School Has the Goal of Producing the Next Generation of Hafizh Qur’an who are pious, intelligent, and independent. Ummul Quro Islamic Boarding School encourages students to develop the potential of students in memorizing the Qur’an. In this program, students will be guided by competent ustadz/ustadzah.

International Languange

Arabic and English are the flagship program of the Ummul Quro Tasikmalaya Islamic Boarding School and are the official languages which require students to use Arabic and English in their daily lives.

With this language program, Wasilah is for the students to be able to communicate in international languages and be able to absorb and understand knowledge more broadly so that they are better prepared to become the generation that changes global civilization.

Character Building

Character building has an important role in shaping one’s character. The process of character formation, both consciously and unconsciously, will influence how the individual perceives himself and his environment, and this will be reflected in his daily behavior.

The Ummul Quro Islamic Boarding School provides facilities for students to build character to become individuals who are good in morals, behavior, and religion.

Yellow Book Studies

The Yellow Book is a term used by some people to refer to Arabic books. The benefits of studying and understanding the yellow book are numerous.

The benefits of studying the yellow book include knowing Islamic laws in depth, being able to know the history of earlier people, and explaining things that are not explained in the Al-Quran and Alhadist.


We provide a place for our students to grow and develop

Islamic Boarding School Hall

Integrated Office

Digital Class

Boys Computer Lab

Princess Computer Lab

Boys Dormitory

Boys Class

Son Mosque

Sports Facilities

Camp Ground

UQ Mart

Laundry UQ

Public Kitchen

Islamic Boarding School Hall

Digital Class

Princess Computer Lab

Boys Class

Sports Facilities

UQ Mart

Public Kitchen

Integrated Office

Boys Computer Lab

Boys Dormitory

Son Mosque

Camping Ground

Laundry UQ

Extracurricular Development

The following are extracurriculars that ummul quro students can choose to support the development of their potential and self-competence

Graphic Design

Sains Club

Arabic Club

English Club

Afterschool Sports

Music and Art

WA Ummul Quro

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+62 852-1016-8787